Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Second Wind

First of all, I apologize, Dear Reader, for my long absence. Thank you for coming back and reading my update.

With the beginning of May, the gardening season kicks into high gear and time just gets away from me while I'm outside. I harvested enough Snap Peas to give a bag to my neighbors, after eating my fill for 3 weeks in a row. I also had a great crop of Blueberries, Rhubarb, Radishes, Spinach, 2 kinds of Lettuce, a few spring Beets, Green Onions, and Nasturtiums out our ears. I've been nursing along Brocolli, Cauliflower, Collards, Mustard Greens in the heat these 2 weeks, but my four tomato plants are loving it! My Sunflowers are 4 feet tall and my first crop of Bush Beans are flowering. My squash plants are starting to rocket up my trellises. (Did I mention I love growing food?)

With the (eventual) arrival of Summer, the fruit season gets fully in swing,. I finally got my water-bath canner this year and have made Ginger-Rhubarb Sauce, Elderberry Syrup, Raspberry Jam, Wild Red Huckleberry Jelly (yes, we picked them!), and a 3 bean pickled salad.

We've also decided on a church to stick with, after six months of active searching (over a year in the making, really).

Combine the season with the inevitable lull in 'having something worthwhile to say' and there you have it. A few other things happened - taking the cars in for servicing, cleaning up our condo between renters and subsequently showing it to all interested parties, three anniversaries, one birthday, a mother's day and a father's day, news of a new nephew in the works, and learning where I can buy local eggs and raw milk.

Whew! Here's to my second wind for blogging!
(I will be posting pictures of my garden.)


  1. Yay! I'm so proud of you, for the blogging and your amazing fruitful (and vegetable-ful) garden!! Wow, how inspiring! I always think I want a house with a yard so I can do something of what you're doing, but it is a lot of work I think!!! What wonderful diversity you have there in your garden. Looking forward to sampling some! :-)

  2. Your garden is impressive!!! When you do something, you sure do it well and to the fullest. I admire your commitment to this venture and I'm glad you are enjoying the process--and the produce! Still waiting for pictures, though :o)
